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We're Northern Michigan Authors with a passion for writing and a love for adventure.

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Super Hero Book reviewed by Barnes & Noble scouts!

Crunch : A Super Hero Story

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This satire/comedy was presented at the LA Times Festival of Books this past spring. At the festival, it was reviewed favorably by book scouts for Barnes & Noble. It is now in preparation to be submitted to their headquarters for approval in their stores!

Book Reviews

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2 books get great reviews!

The Latest books to be reviewed was "The Dead Mountains" the third book in the Drake Thomas series as well as "Redemption" the third book in the Kingdom series. Read the reviews and buy the books to see for yourself.

New Releases

Brand New Book! Tyler Svec's third book in the Kingdom Series "Redemption"

Buy it today on Amazon!

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Get to Know Us

Tyler Svec is a farmer in Northern Michigan who first started writing in high school. In the years that has followed, he has written 7 novels. He is happily married to his wife, Jessica, and they have four kids together.




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Jessica Svec often wishes that she could have lived in the 19th century Wild West. Goat farmer before dawn, preschool teacher by day, and hobbyist writer by night, Jessica resides in Buckley, Michigan with her husband and four children on their family-run farm, where she enjoys every season (even the snow), bakes fresh bread every day, snuggles both cats and kids (the two-legged kind), and sews when she has the time. She started writing when she hit rock bottom in life, and she continues to write now to encourage others who are perhaps treading the same road.


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Jordan Svec lives in Northern Michigan with his wife and two children. By day he works along his brother (Tyler) and together they collaborate on the ideas that go into the Drake Thomas series.

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